Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Thomas Cook UK S15 New Manchester / Glasgow Trans-Atlantic Routes Schedule

Update at 0500GMT 04JUN14

Thomas Cook Airlines UK in early-May 2014 opened reservations for new Trans-Atlantic service, due to be launched from May 2015. The following is the operational schedule for new routes from Manchester and Glasgow.

eff 02MAY15 Manchester – New York JFK 3 weekly

TCX848 MAN1010 – 1230JFK 330 146

TCX849 JFK2200 – 0925+1MAN 330 146

eff 03MAY15 Manchester – Miami 2 weekly

TCX830 MAN1015 – 1440MIA 330 57

TCX831 MIA1640 – 0600+1MAN 330 57

eff 04MAY15 Glasgow – Las Vegas 1 weekly

TCX172 GLA1005 – 1205LAS 330 1

TCX173 LAS1355 – 0720+1GLA 330 1

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