Thursday, January 29, 2015

UPDATE: Malaysia Airline #MH370 officially declared missing but search continues -@flightcrisis

Earlier we reported that the search from MH370 had ended, which at the time was credible information from The BBC. However it has now been announced that the search will continue for the aircraft that disappeared on the 8th of March 2014.

Officials said that the recovery operation is ongoing but have said that the 239 people and crew on board are now presumed dead. The whereabouts of the plane is still unknown despite a massive search operation in the souther Indian Ocean over the past 10 months.

The declaration on Thursday should allow compensation payments to relatives of the victims.Malaysian officials added that the recovery of the missing aircraft remained a priority and that they have pursued "every credible lead".

Four vessels are currently searching the sea floor with specialised sonar technology in a remote stretch of ocean where the plane is believed to have ended its flight.Based on analysis of satellite and aircraft performance data, MH370 is thought to be in seas far west of the Australian city of Perth.

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