Thursday, February 26, 2015

NEWS Air New Zealand up's the competition on airfares not a problem

The Kiwi airline air new zealand has come out publicly stating it will up the anti on airfare war prices and add hundreds or thousands of seats to it's growing network worldwide. The CEO Chris Luxton said even though these are tough times for airfare wars they should have plenty of room to compete with there competitors. He also made a statement congratulating the CEO Allan Joyce of Qantas for a $ 206 million dollar profit for Qantas. In return Qantas CEO said air new zealand is the number one airline in the world for top service and innovation. Luxton said people who book on our airline ANZ will be in for a winter surprise later in April which will shock the aviation arena and airliners of the globe. He would not speculate as to what this might be, as this is being kept out of the lime light. I am thinking something to do with $1 domestic fares or buy on ticket get the other free??.


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