Friday, March 27, 2015

WATCH Plane takes off from South Carolina highway

After making an emergency landing Thursday night, a plane took-off from a highway in South Carolina Friday afternoon, much to the delight of onlookers.

The pilot of the single-engine plane made an emergency landing on the highway Thursday night after the engine stopped. On Friday, the plane was towed back on to the highway and cars were cleared-off the road in preparation for the take-off.

As spectators were readied with their cameras, and with a fleet of emergency vehicles surrounding it, the plane took-off from the same highway.

The plane originated from Middletown, Ohio and was trying to stop for fuel at Greensboro's airport Thursday night on its way to Charleston, South Carolina. The skydiving plane was scheduled to perform before Saturday's Cooper Bridge Run in Charleston.

Spokane, North Idaho News

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