Sunday, May 10, 2015

NEWS Report: Taiwan MD-82 overrun incident on wet runway in strong cross wind conditions

The MD-82 came to rest beyond the runway end line. (ASC)

The MD-82 came to rest beyond the runway end line. (ASC)

The Taiwan Aviation Safety Council (ASC) released the final investigation report of an incident involving a Far Eastern Air Transport MD-82 airplane that overran the runway during landing at Kinmen Airport, Taiwan.

On June 16, 2014, a Far Eastern Air Transport MD-82 passenger airplane, flight number FE061, registration number B-28017, flew from Taipei-Sung Shan Airport to Kinmen Airport. The flight departed with 6 crew members and 98 passengers. During landing at Kinmen Airport, the flight crew could not stop the airplane before the runway end line and the airplane ran into the safety zone of runway.

While the flight crew checked speed reduction related configuration settings before landing, they did not call out speed and configuration checks. During the approach the flight crew failed several mandatory call outs, for example the decision to continue for landing or go around.  The airplane touched down 2,500 feet from the displaced threshold of runway 06, close to the touch down zone critical point as specified in the Flight Operation Manual.

The airplane approached and landed with 21 knots right cross wind condition and the crew did not perform a firm landing on the wet runway. After the airplane touched down, the flight crew did not retard the throttle to flight idle immediately because they were busy keeping the the airplane on the runway center line. Subsequently, the flight crew did not re-extend the spoiler after it was retracted. The flight crew also did not apply optimized thrust reverse and maximum brakes in time.

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